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Observatorio de la Infancia en Andalucía y Adolescencia de Andalucía
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IJVS (nº 9) Violence on school: European trends of research: tome 1


Año: 2009

Autor: Carre, Cécile, (ed.)

Otros autores: Esterle Hedibel, Maryse, (ed.)

Título revista: International Journal on Violence in School

Año; mes; volumen; (nº): págs de la revista: 2009; septiembre; (9)

Fuente: International Journal on Violence and School

Formato: Web

Observaciones: Idioma: inglés y francés.

Temáticas: Convivencia y violencia

Descriptores: trastornos de la conducta, Portugal, Alemania, República Checa, violencia escolar



  1. Introduction
    By Maryse Esterle, CESDIP, Université D’Artois-IUFM
  2. Deviance and Violence in Schools
    By Carol Hayden, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth
  3. Deviance and Violence in education environments and their development in the Czech Republic
    By Kohout-Diaz Magdalena, Université Bordeaux 2 & 4, ERCEF, EA4140, LACES
  4. Violence in Portuguese schools
    By Fonseca Carvalhosa Susana, CIS, Lisbon University Institute
    Moleiro Carla, CIS, Lisbon University Institute
    Sales Celia, CIS, Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa
  5. Violence at German Schools
    By Fuchs Marek, Kassel

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