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Observatorio de la Infancia en Andalucía y Adolescencia de Andalucía
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Starting Early: Education from Prekindergarten to Third Grade


Año: 2016

Páginas: 221 p.

Título revista: The future of children

Año; mes; volumen; (nº): págs de la revista: 2016; 26; (2) : 221 p.

Idioma: Inglés

Fuente: The future of children

Formato: Web

Temáticas: Educación

Descriptores: discapacidad, educación infantil, ciencias aplicadas, ciencias del lenguaje


  • When Does Preschool Matter?/ Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Christina Weiland and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
  • The Economic Returns to Early Childhood Education/ Lynn A. Karoly
  • Reading and Language in the Early Grades/ Catherine E. Snow and Timothy J. Matthews
  • Math, Science, and Technology in the Early Grades/ Douglas H. Clements and Julie Sarama
  • Quality in Early Education Classrooms: Definitions, Gaps, and Systems/ Robert Pianta, Jason Downer and Budget Hamre
  • Supporting Young English Learners in the United States/ Lisa Barrow and Lisa Markman-Pithers
  • Supporting Young Children with Disabilities/ Kathleen Hebbeler and Donna Spiker

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